¿Mejor integración por tener pareja alemana?: un análisis de las diferencias en la integración de los extranjeros en las parejas intra e interétnicas en Alemania


  • Nina Rother



Palabras clave:

Inter-ethnic marriage, Integration, Migration


This paper analyses differences in the integration of foreigners living in intra- and inter-ethnic partnerships in Germany. According to social distance theory, it is assumed that migrants living in an inter-ethnic partnership should be better integrated or should have better conditions for a successful integration than foreigners living in an intra-ethnic partnership. This hypothesis is analysed by using data from the first wave of the German Integration Panel, a longitudinal survey of integration course participants. The analyses conducted led to the central result that participants of an integration course are more integrated when they have a German partner without migration background. This is especially true for their cultural integration, i.e. knowledge and usage of the German language, but also for their social and emotional integration.


Estadísticas en RUA



Cómo citar

Rother, N. (2008). ¿Mejor integración por tener pareja alemana?: un análisis de las diferencias en la integración de los extranjeros en las parejas intra e interétnicas en Alemania. Revista OBETS, (1), 21–44. https://doi.org/10.14198/OBETS2008.1.02


